Thursday, May 6, 2021

Minor Announcement!

 Just so you all know, I'm also recording and releasing all of my posts as podcast episodes, which can be found here, or you can just search Casey Hills Could've Been Stopped in your podcatcher of choice; it's in the iTunes store so any app should be able to find it; personally I'm a fan of OverCast. Overcast: Not my sponsor, but if they'd like to be, eyebrows eyebrows, etc. All of my text posts will be recorded and released, and anything that gets recorded that isn't a blog post like interviews with guests or similar will be linked here. YOU ARE NOW UP TO DATE.

feathers I stole from the birds

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish!

 Hey all my buddies, I’m moving all of this out of Google’s digital clutches and into my OWN poorly managed e-space, and so you can find me ...